Sunday, September 21, 2008

Scary Knitting

Compliments of TFC1 on YouTube. Who knew you could knit blood!


Anonymous said...

I think that some are sewn...not that there's anything wrong with that.

Anonymous said...

I'd actually buy/knit some of those. They're just funny, and if I had them sitting on my bookshelf, I'm sure it'd get a few laughs out of my friends.

I especially like the teeth in water.

joyce said...

EEeewwwwwoooo Who knew, indeed. Yuck. But, I think the neighbors could hear the husband and grown son laughing two blocks away at some of those, and we have our windows closed.

Anonymous said...

oh man, the one with the kid that fell off the bike is absolutely horrifying. The rest are just funny.

MrskayL said...

ummmmm no words?

but i did love the conjoined twin bears, kinda sweet

Darby said...

hahahaha why oh why does this exist?

Darby said...

hahahaha why oh why?

badfae said...

You know, I actually kind of LOVE these :D

Anonymous said...

I've seen those before - they're by an artist - I can't remember her name though. You could see the gallery space in one of the images. I think it's really wrong that they made this and never mentioned her name - yet they credited the music!

Alaskalainen said...

I love the cojoined teddy bears!

I found the pictures as a flickr set as well -- but still no mention of the artist's identity!

Robert Runté said...

I'm trying to imagine the reaction of the social worker if the residents of my Mom's nursing home started knitting these in their therapy knitting circle.

Unknown said...

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