Let's talk a bit about the different models offered. Oh let's just pick one, say the F355 perhaps. Manufactured in the mid-to late nineties, it is a sight to behold. A 3.5 liter, V8 powered coupe, rear wheel drive, red, sexy, amazing. Wait. What did you say? My specs are wrong?! How could that be?! I used to make a living in the automotive industry, don't tell me I got it wrong?! You say I did? Well then you tell me about the Ferrari F355.
What is that you say? The specs are Garter Stitch, size 17 needles, 12 miles of heavy weight yarn in tomato? Huh? That sounds like a knitting project pattern. What does that have to do with a Ferrari? Ohhhh...WTF?! See below....

So apparently a 22 year old college student from England decided to knit herself a Ferrari as a class project. I would like to know what sort of college class calls for a GIANT life-sized car made entirely out of yarn?! The video failed to mention her grade for this crafted creation on four knit wheels. I mean come on, it is either a big fat "F" for the pointlessness of it all or an "A" because the professor felt sorry for the poor gal wasting 10 months of her time on THIS. The video also failed to mention whether or not it is machine washable.

Now if any of you out there decide you want to knit yourself a car, I'd just like to give one bit of advice. Go knit yourself a Prius for goodness sake! Think of the environment!
Knitted Ferrari
Knitting and cars...two of my interests...but I never considered combining the two. Perhaps I'll go knit myself some tire cosies.
Many thanks to Chris and J. for finding today's treasure.
Wow! I'm at a loss for words...Wow.
Any way you could make it so the video doesn't play automatically? The sudden blast of opera music shared the knitted poop outta me!
Love the blog though, as an amateur knitter/crochetter who grew up with a mother and grandmother who could knit anything this is hugely funny!
Keep up the great work!
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