Well first it started with
Katie Holmes with her tight rolled jeans and her 80's hairdo, but folks brace yourselves, I think the 80's are coming back in style. At least if a few knitters and their
Knit Ties have a say.

A few others to ponder:

My favorite, the Fuzzy Tie:

I am speechless, even trees are wearing knit ties:
Found you through FHOTD. This blog is too funny!
I also knit and am ridiculed because of all of the ugly blankets otherknitters and crocheters have made and given as gifts. Not everything knitted is ugly!!
My husband will be so excited if knit ties make a comeback, he still has his left over from the 80's!
The only thing you could use any of those for is to hang yourself after you ruin your Members Only jacket
I think knit ties are great. They should be worn everywhere... by trees. Not by people. Silk is no good outside - a nice knitted wool is so much better for a tree.
i graduated from catholic high school in say, early 2000s, and the guys who didn't want to fork over money for REAL ties wore "wine" and "navy" knit ties...i love them! brings back memories!!!!!!
i especially love the squared off ends!
Say what you like, but you can't open a GQ right now without seeing knit ties everywhere.
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